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Fitness, among other things, help keep KC Royals Scholar focused

The pressure to succeed in school and in life was placed on
Power Lee by his parents from an early age and understandably so.  Neither one of his parents had the
opportunity to be formally educated as they migrated from Laos to the United
States during the Vietnam War.   Power
has watched two older siblings make their attempts at college, however, they
have not completed their degrees.  With
pride, he looks forward to being the first person in his family to graduate
with a bachelor’s degree.

Power graduated from F.L. Schlagle High School in Kansas
City, Kansas and will continue his educational journey at William Jewell
College, armed with a $10,000 scholarship from the Kansas City Royals and a variety of experiences.  Those experiences include participation in the
Asian Awareness Club, Battle of the Brains and 20/20 Leadership.   He says that program days that included
visits to college campuses were the most beneficial for him. “20/20 Leadership
is a great program that teaches you a lot and gives you resources to succeed,”
he says.

Power, along with several teammates, planned an executed “Smart
and Healthy Stallions,” their 20/20 Olympics project focused on teaching
students about the importance of exercising and eating well.  The theme of the project fit into Power’s
personal habits and he has been inspired to pursue a goal of becoming a
personal trainer.  He has participated in
track and field as a high school student, teaching himself how to throw the
shot put by watching the Olympic games.

In reflection, Power has learned from his experiences, watching
others and in between, has recognized the importance of being a leader for
others.   He holds himself responsible
for his three younger siblings and even took on the role of tutor for
Schlagle’s football team.  “It was a
great experience for me because I got to help out my teammates and create a
stronger bond among the team,” he says.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.