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Brick by brick, KC Royals Scholar cements his legacy on campus and beyond

As he graduated from Pittsburg State University in May, Josh
Cooper had two tools in his toolbox: a degree in construction management and a
full-time position as a project manager with E&K of Kansas City.  The position came as a result of his hard
work during two summers of interning with the company.  The transition from intern to full-time
employee was seamless and now, he is more than grateful for the opportunity to
work in the field he’s always been interested in.

The building doesn’t stop for Josh, who after working 10
hour days, goes home to his own construction project: rehabbing a 102-year-old
home he inherited from his family.  “I
started with patching up the closet and it grew from there.”  He hopes to be done by the end of the summer
and says the project has taught him one thing for sure: expect the unexpected.

Those words could not have resonated more for the 20/20
Leadership alum who graduated from University Academy in 2012, initially
without the KC Royals scholarship.  He
received a call from 20/20 during the first semester of his sophomore
year.  The timing of the call was perfect
as financial aid issues caused him to doubt his ability to continue at
Pittsburg State the following semester.  “I
thought I would have to go home every weekend to work just to make enough to
pay for school.” After being named a KC Royals Scholar, Josh had all college
expenses covered.

Josh credits 20/20 Leadership for helping him to develop
professionally, receiving positive feedback about his interview skills.  “The interview prep during the business expo
was helpful because I know how to talk to people,” he said.  He also credits the program for helping him
understand the importance of both networking and relationship building.  His senior project at Pittsburg State involved
the design and installation of a sidewalk on campus.   Before
any construction began, Josh and his team had to meet with key constituents,
including the president of the university. 
“Between my school and 20/20 Leadership, I felt prepared for those
experiences,” he said.

All in all, Josh has taken what he describes as destructive
behavior as a young child and turn it into something much more constructive. 

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.