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Soon-to-be-college graduate and KC Royals Scholar finds herself in service

“The more you give, the more you get.”

These words are somewhat of a life motto for
Danyale Anthony and it is fitting for the college senior with a listening ear
and a passion for helping others.  She
will graduate in December from the University of Missouri – Kansas City with a
bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.  Her
post-graduation plan is to work as a victim’s advocate. “I’d definitely like to
help at home in Wyandotte County first, but I also want to be there to support
any kid that needs it,” she says.

Home wasn’t always a stable place for Danyale, who
by the time she graduated from Wyandotte High School in 2012, was living with
her uncle.  She had a goal of attending
Jackson State University in Mississippi, but decided it was best to stay close
to look after her younger brother.  Earning
a $10,000 scholarship from the Kansas City Royals also helped cement her
decision.  “At first, I didn’t think I
would win and didn’t even realize my name was called.  I wondered why my counselor kept asking me if
I was planning to attend the Shining Stars Celebration and afterward, it all
made sense.”

The opportunity to participate in 20/20 Leadership
was presented to her by that same counselor, Mrs. Leslie Simons.  “She said, ‘sign this, you’re going to be in
the program’.  She also described it as
an opportunity to learn professionalism.” 

Professionalism was just the beginning of the
lessons Danyale was able to learn and take away from the program.  It was something that first was viewed as a
day out of school, but she said, “I learned organization through the program,
as well as how to act in professional settings.” 

Between balancing school, a full-time job, family
and friends, Danyale still makes volunteering a priority.  She gives time to Veronica’s Voice, a local
organization that works with victims of human trafficking.  She has also appreciated the opportunities of
continued engagement that have come as a result of participation in 20/20
Leadership and being named a KC Royals Scholar. 
“My advice to students is to be appreciative and to give back.”


The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.