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Working hard is a way of life for KC Royals Charities Scholar and future engineer

Life after high school was once a fleeting thought for KC
Royals Scholar Colton Russell.  As a high
school sophomore being introduced to the 20/20 Leadership program, Colton
simply thought it was an opportunity to get out of school.  Once he realized he needed to focus, he began
preparing for his future and hasn’t looked back since.

After graduating from Turner High School in 2015, Colton
began studying electrical engineering at Wichita State University.  He says a love for math steered him toward
the major and the feeling of belonging helped him decide on the campus.  “It was a friendly environment and it felt
like home.  I enjoy the one to one
interactions that I am able to have with my professors,” he said. 

As a rising sophomore, Colton is involved in a number of
activities on campus, including the Honors College, Emerging Leaders and
recently landed a stint as a DJ.  The
role he enjoys the most is within the Student Ambassador Society, where he has
the opportunity to showcase his school to prospective students.  “I enjoy giving back and this one opportunity
that I have to do so with high school students,” he said.

In the spirit of giving, Colton frequently provides some of
his time to the program.  Last summer,
Colton, along with other 20/20 Leadership alums were asked to present at the
Board of Public Utilities (BPU) meeting and at that time, he talked to a board
member about internship opportunities. 
Colton was connected with human resources.  Fast-forward to summer 2016 and he is now an
electrical engineering intern at BPU. 
“Without 20/20, I would not have been able to make that connection,” he

And without 20/20 Leadership, Colton would have also missed
a royal opportunity: being one of five students presented with a $10,000
scholarship from the Kansas City Royals. 
“I would describe the opportunity as life-changing.  Without it, I would not be able to do as well
in school.  For me, it is nice to know that
someone is behind you,” he said.

In addition to earning a scholarship from the KC Royals,
Colton was also named a Koch Scholar and received an award of $22,000.  Only ten students from Wichita State are
selected for this award.  Colton is
honored to take part and attributes this distinction to his continued hard work
and focus.  “I was eligible for the
scholarship as a result of my grades and it feels great to know that out of
16,000 students, I was selected,” he said.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.