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Youngest of three brothers look to chart his own path

Summer 2016 served as a pivotal point for KC Royals Charities
Scholar Malachi Hibler and his family. 
His older twin brothers, Myles and Michael, had been involved in a car
accident, leaving Myles with a severe neck injury.  Shortly afterward, Malachi began to feel
overwhelmed with the absence of his mother, who spent much of her time in
Nebraska with Myles as he began rehabilitation. 
Once the feeling of being overwhelmed passed, strength began to form.  “Overall, the situation helped me become
stronger as a person and now I understand the tools needed to care for others,”
he said.

As the family adjusts to their new normal and continues to grow
closer as a result of their lifestyle change, Malachi continues to forge his
own path.  Born six years after his twin
brothers, Malachi never attended high school with them, but at times, believed
that he lived within their shadows.  As
high school students, they also participated in 20/20 Leadership and offered
positive sentiments about the program. 
Ultimately after participating for himself, Malachi came to enjoy and
appreciate the program, crediting the program for helping him develop the
confidence to meet new people and network.

Networking will be a major key for the rising college freshman,
who looks forward to exploring intramurals and Greek life once arriving on
campus at Wichita State University in the fall. As a student at Washington, he was involved in a number of
organizations including: 100 Men Strong, Link Crew, National Honor Society, as
well as the school’s baseball team. 
Malachi plans to major in business at the university that he calls “a
home away from home.”  Along with the
business major, he will add a minor in computer science, with the ultimate goal
of opening his own business. 
“Entrepreneurship is intriguing,” he says.

As the last of the five KC Royals Charities Scholarship winners
to be announced at the annual Shining Stars Awards Celebration, Malachi
remembers sitting nervously in anticipation of hearing his name.  He already knew that he was in fact a
contender for the scholarship after being invited to an interview in
February.  A phone call from his mother,
along with seeing his family in attendance at the event made him question the
outcome, but he continued to pray and wait patiently.  Malachi knew in fact he was a winner after
hearing “Washington High School” and couldn’t be more grateful for the
scholarship.  “I want to thank the Royals
and 20/20 Leadership for the opportunity,” he expressed.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.