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Five Questions with Arieanna Boyd

She describes herself as ambitious, eager and determined and she's off to college!

Arieanna Boyd, a recent graduate of Lincoln College Prep and current student at the University of Missouri - Columbia, was awarded Nita's Great Achiever Scholarship in April 2017. 

She answered a few questions for us as she begins her post-secondary journey:

Who and/or what
motivates you?

My family motivates me the most. They
encourage me to do my best at all times. They always tell to do better than
what our family has done.

What are your
career plans and why did you choose Mizzou?

My career plans are to go to Mizzou to pursue a
career in accounting. They have a business path that will allow me to receive a
Bachelor and Master’s degree within 5 years. This will be a rigorous course but
I believe I can do anything I set my mind to do.
  I chose Mizzou because it was the best fit
for me. Mizzou is not too far away from home and not to close to home. There
are so many opportunities for me when I go there and I can't wait to explore
the whole campus.


What challenges do you anticipate facing when you begin college?

I anticipate having too much free time on my hands. Having too much free time on my hands can lead to procrastination on different assignments. Another challenge I may have in college would be test anxiety. I say this because I always have worry before I take major exams or test.

Design the
perfect 20/20 Leadership program day.

My perfect 20/20 day would be bring-a-friend
day. This will help spread the organizations to different schools and people.
This would be an opportunity to show what 20/20 Leadership is really about.
It's not just a field trip day out of school as everyone at my school says it
is. It's a learning experience that shows you the real world and how to take on
everyday task in life. It's a very informing organization and it help you build
long term relationships with people from other backgrounds.

What does
earning this scholarship mean to you?

this scholarship meant a lot to me. I say this because many people probably
filled the same application out as me. When I first filled this scholarship
out, I wasn't looking forward to the Great Achiever Scholarship. Earning this
scholarship has helped me because I was able to get a brand new laptop for school. This scholarship has shown me that
anything is possible if you set your mind to the task.