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20/20 Leadership Blog

7 years 10 months ago

The night before Del’Sha Roberts received a call from 20/20
Leadership about the Kansas City Royals Scholarship, she had been researching
scholarship applications.  She applied for
the scholarship as a senior at F.L. Schlagle and when her name was not called
during the 2015 Shining Stars program, she thought the opportunity passed. While
she had received other scholarship awards as she entered Kansas State
University as a freshman in the fall of 2015, Del’Sha found herself in need of
more money to continue her education. “If it wasn’t for this scholarship, I
would not be able to continue at Kansas State,” she said.

Education is something that was stressed in Del’Sha’s
household as she grew up.  She has three
older sisters, as well as one younger brother. While one of her sisters started
college, she did not have the opportunity to finish.  As a first generation college student, she
understands that education is not optional. 
The future doctor understands the time she will have to continue to
invest in her education to pursue her dream.

Del’Sha originally wanted to be a veterinarian, but is
studying biology and pre-med with the goal of becoming a surgeon.  She has known that she wanted to be a doctor
since the age of eight and the feeling intensified after a close friend passed
away during her high school career. 

Her sights were initially set on attending Spelman College,
a historically Black college in Atlanta, but after visiting Kansas State on a
20/20 Leadership program day, plus being offered a scholarship, Del’Sha’s plans
shifted.  As she nears the end of her
third semester at the university, Del’Sha has become active and involved in
student life.  She joined the Black
Student Union and was able to practice the skill of networking, something she
learned as a participant in 20/20 Leadership.  

In reflection, Del’Sha says she thought college would be
hard, but by taking college courses as a high school student, she believes that
she was better prepared.  She took a
placement test as a sophomore and because of her high scores in math and
reading, Del’Sha was able to earn 25 credits that would transfer upon
graduation.  She also learned how to read
a syllabus.  More importantly, she
already understood the importance of sitting in the front of the room, another
lesson impressed upon her by 20/20 Leadership.

“Hard work and dedication has paid off and now I’m able to
be at the school that I would like to be at,” she said.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship. 

7 years 11 months ago

Before moving to Colorado in 2014, Annetta and Louis Potts lived in the Kansas City area for 43 years. In that time, they had their respective careers: Lou as a professor at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and Annetta found her way into non-profit work. They also became supporters of 20/20 Leadership.

Annetta first met Marilyn Alstrom, founder and executive director of 20/20 Leadership through the Women’s Foundation of Greater Kansas City. She initially took on the role of visiting with high school principals and inviting students to apply for the program. Lou also provided assistance by using his role at UMKC to help facilitate on campus visits by 20/20 Leadership students.

Another relationship that has impacted 20/20 Leadership is the one Lou and Annetta had with Gene Denton. They attended church with Gene and once they began sharing the impact of 20/20, he was on board with his support. “He seemed like the perfect fit and was very supportive of young people,” Annetta said.

At the time, Gene was serving as the County Administrator for Johnson County, Kansas. Once 20/20 Leadership was established as its own 501©3 organization, Gene served on its first board of directors. He passed away in 2011 and in memory of his service to 20/20 Leadership, a scholarship was named in his honor. The Gene Denton Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to a graduating senior pursuing a career in public service. Lou and Annetta, along with Gene’s widow, Gigi, make annual donations to the scholarship fund.

Lou and Annetta continue to believe in the power of 20/20 Leadership and its ability to impact the lives of teenagers in the Kansas City area. “The students are gaining an awareness of the community on a larger scale and their eyes are being opened to opportunity.”

7 years 11 months ago

Each year, Dr. Linna Place, along with other
trustees from the R.A. Long Foundation are invited to enjoy lunch with
students, alumni and staff of 20/20 Leadership. 
Each year, the lunch is a reminder for her just how much the program has
grown since 2003.  The foundation was part
of the first cohort of funders when 20/20 Leadership crossed state lines from
Kansas to Missouri.  “I see that it is an
established part of secondary schools now,” she says.

The annual lunch is not the only opportunity Linna
has had to see students in action.  Linna
and other trustees also are invited to program days and those experiences are
equally impressive.  “The students in the
program are leaders and they are not necessarily always the class president,”
she says.

R.A. Long, a lumberman and philanthropist, became
wealthy in the 1900’s and a foundation was established.  The foundation also looks to provide support
to organizations that target youth in the Kansas City area and that fits in
line with the work of 20/20 Leadership. 

On behalf of the foundation, Linna continues to
support the program for a number of reasons, including the feeling of
appreciation she feels as a funder.  “We
always receive thank you letters in a timely fashion and as funders, we are
always informed and engaged,” she says. 

Despite growing up in the suburbs of Chicago,
Linna has had a lasting impact on the Kansas City area in a variety of
roles.  She earned her Ph.D. from the
University of Kansas and began teaching history at the University of Missouri –
Kansas City.   She now serves as the
Director of International Academic Programs at UMKC.  Her initial introduction to the program came
from a colleague and supporter of 20/20 Leadership, Lou Potts, who encouraged
her involvement and the support has continued.  
Lou and his wife, Annetta still support 20/20 as well with an annual
donation to the Gene Denton Memorial Scholarship. 

When students graduate from high school as
participants of 20/20 Leadership, Dr. Linna Place hopes they leave with at
least two things: an awareness of self and an awareness of the larger
community.  “I also hope they leave the
program as energetic and confident individuals,” she says.

8 years 2 weeks ago

The year was 1993 and 20 residents of Wyandotte County were
participating in Leadership 2000, an adult leadership program designed to
cultivate emerging leaders in the area.  The
participants in the class, that included the superintendent of the Piper School
District, came up with the idea to create a program similar to what they
experienced.  The twist? The program would
be for high school students. 

“There were questions of how many students would participate
and would they even be interested,” Sara Gillespie, one of the participants in
the Leadership 2000 program, responsible for the development of what is now
known as 20/20 Leadership, said.  “We’ve
had the only project that has stood the test of time,” she said.

Sara reflects on the establishment of the program with awe
on how it has been sustained over the years. 
The program that now boasts participation from hundreds of students in
two counties, four grade levels and multiple school districts, began with a
total of 36 students from schools in Wyandotte County.  Sara’s initial role for the first two years
was to coordinate transportation, lunch and secure locations for students to
visit on each day.   At the time, she
worked for Lee Jeans and the company supported employees participating in
volunteer and community activities.

Sara attended college, studied to be a teacher and after
leaving Lee Jeans, she went back to the classroom.  She began as a substitute teacher, but
decided to return to school herself, earning a master’s degree in special education.  Sara currently works as a special education
teacher in the Shawnee Mission School District and is still a strong advocate
for 20/20 Leadership.  Both of her
daughters participated in the program as students at Turner High School. 

The seeds of growth, education and opportunity were planted
over 20 years ago and they continue to bloom with each class of new 20/20
Leadership participants. Leadership 2000 taught participants like Sara things
they did not know about Wyandotte County and that continues today for the
student leaders today.  “It was great to
see students from different parts of the county meeting each other.  It was cool to do something for kids and I
never imagined that it would morph across state lines,” she said.

8 years 1 month ago

Life after high school was once a fleeting thought for KC
Royals Scholar Colton Russell.  As a high
school sophomore being introduced to the 20/20 Leadership program, Colton
simply thought it was an opportunity to get out of school.  Once he realized he needed to focus, he began
preparing for his future and hasn’t looked back since.

After graduating from Turner High School in 2015, Colton
began studying electrical engineering at Wichita State University.  He says a love for math steered him toward
the major and the feeling of belonging helped him decide on the campus.  “It was a friendly environment and it felt
like home.  I enjoy the one to one
interactions that I am able to have with my professors,” he said. 

As a rising sophomore, Colton is involved in a number of
activities on campus, including the Honors College, Emerging Leaders and
recently landed a stint as a DJ.  The
role he enjoys the most is within the Student Ambassador Society, where he has
the opportunity to showcase his school to prospective students.  “I enjoy giving back and this one opportunity
that I have to do so with high school students,” he said.

In the spirit of giving, Colton frequently provides some of
his time to the program.  Last summer,
Colton, along with other 20/20 Leadership alums were asked to present at the
Board of Public Utilities (BPU) meeting and at that time, he talked to a board
member about internship opportunities. 
Colton was connected with human resources.  Fast-forward to summer 2016 and he is now an
electrical engineering intern at BPU. 
“Without 20/20, I would not have been able to make that connection,” he

And without 20/20 Leadership, Colton would have also missed
a royal opportunity: being one of five students presented with a $10,000
scholarship from the Kansas City Royals. 
“I would describe the opportunity as life-changing.  Without it, I would not be able to do as well
in school.  For me, it is nice to know that
someone is behind you,” he said.

In addition to earning a scholarship from the KC Royals,
Colton was also named a Koch Scholar and received an award of $22,000.  Only ten students from Wichita State are
selected for this award.  Colton is
honored to take part and attributes this distinction to his continued hard work
and focus.  “I was eligible for the
scholarship as a result of my grades and it feels great to know that out of
16,000 students, I was selected,” he said.

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

8 years 1 month ago

For KC Royals Scholar Michelle Thatsanithone, staying close
to home has translated into opportunity. 
She is currently a marketing intern at CBIZ and has been since last
summer.  The internship was only supposed
to last for a few months, but Michelle proved herself and was asked to continue
working part-time during the academic year and full-time during the
summer.  “I’ve learned so much as an
intern such as event planning, email etiquette, how to have conversations with
people and how to be more prepared,” she said.

In hindsight, Michelle had been prepared for her college
experience since she was a student at Lincoln College Prep.  In her English course, she was required to
write a 2,000-word essay every two weeks and while her peers struggled,
Michelle took the work in stride.  “That
was something I had already done in high school, so it was as simple as making
a plan, writing the paper and turning it in,” she said.

The experiences from 20/20 Leadership have also proven to be
beneficial for the rising sophomore, who received encouragement to apply for
the program from Nyree Smith, a counselor at Lincoln.  She graduated in 2015 as salutatorian and because
of that, Michelle had the opportunity to deliver a speech at graduation.  She credits her experience in 20/20 for
teaching her how to handle that moment. “Without 20/20 Leadership, I wouldn’t
know how to stand up and project my voice with confidence.  I also wouldn’t know simple things, such as
how to have a firm handshake or know that name tags always go on the right
side,” she said.

Michelle attends Park University in Parkville, Missouri, a
campus with smaller class sizes, the diversity she says was looking for and
scholarship opportunities she didn’t find at other institutions.  While she is only entering her second year
this fall, Michelle is on track to earn two undergraduate degrees, as well as a
graduate degree by the year 2020.   She is the first in her family to attend a
university and the pressure to succeed is one that she takes in stride.

Michelle was not initially named a KC Royals Scholar when
she graduated last year and said she was shocked when she received
communication from 20/20 Leadership earlier this year with the news.  “All I could say was thank you,” she
recalls.   The additional scholarship
will support her as she looks to move on campus in the fall.  With the move, she hopes to have the
opportunity to be more involved on campus, as she was in high school. 

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

8 years 2 months ago

Since she can remember, KC Royals Scholar Claire Mansur has
somehow participated in activities that involve children, ranging from
babysitting to working at summer camps.  All
of the roles are fitting for the future educator, who will graduate in December
2016 from Missouri State University in Springfield with a degree in elementary
education.  Soon after, she will hold a
master’s degree in literacy, due to a program that allows students to complete
both degrees within five years.

Claire is currently spending the summer working a youth
program at Union Station.  This fall, she
will complete her student teaching and look forward to substitute teaching next
spring.  In preparation, she contemplates
the type of teacher she would like to be. “I want to challenge kids, be hands
on and not just pass out worksheets,” she says.

Hands-on is likely an understatement for the 2012 Lincoln
College Prep graduate who describes herself as a calm and a go with the flow
type of person.  During her junior year
of college, Claire served as the lead coordinator for an alternative spring
break trip to Dallas.  The purpose of the
trip was to provide a safe place for kids in the area to go during their spring
break. Her role was to coordinate all logistics for the trip, including the
selection of the other students that would attend, the curriculum and
activities for the week, along with transportation and lodging.  

None of the planning process for the alternative spring
break trip could have been accomplished without professionalism and networking,
skills Claire says she gained as a result of participating in 20/20
Leadership.  Participating in the program
also helped her begin the process of branching out, as she says she didn’t
initially know many other students in the program.   “The
field trips also served as opportunities to learn things, such as how to shake
someone’s hand and meet professionals,” she said.

Finally, she is also grateful for the opportunity to be
named a KC Royals Scholar, a scholarship that has helped her family now that
her younger brother begins his college journey this fall.  “I was shocked when my name was called, but I
thank my mom for even encouraging me to apply.”

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

8 years 2 months ago

“The more you give, the more you get.”

These words are somewhat of a life motto for
Danyale Anthony and it is fitting for the college senior with a listening ear
and a passion for helping others.  She
will graduate in December from the University of Missouri – Kansas City with a
bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.  Her
post-graduation plan is to work as a victim’s advocate. “I’d definitely like to
help at home in Wyandotte County first, but I also want to be there to support
any kid that needs it,” she says.

Home wasn’t always a stable place for Danyale, who
by the time she graduated from Wyandotte High School in 2012, was living with
her uncle.  She had a goal of attending
Jackson State University in Mississippi, but decided it was best to stay close
to look after her younger brother.  Earning
a $10,000 scholarship from the Kansas City Royals also helped cement her
decision.  “At first, I didn’t think I
would win and didn’t even realize my name was called.  I wondered why my counselor kept asking me if
I was planning to attend the Shining Stars Celebration and afterward, it all
made sense.”

The opportunity to participate in 20/20 Leadership
was presented to her by that same counselor, Mrs. Leslie Simons.  “She said, ‘sign this, you’re going to be in
the program’.  She also described it as
an opportunity to learn professionalism.” 

Professionalism was just the beginning of the
lessons Danyale was able to learn and take away from the program.  It was something that first was viewed as a
day out of school, but she said, “I learned organization through the program,
as well as how to act in professional settings.” 

Between balancing school, a full-time job, family
and friends, Danyale still makes volunteering a priority.  She gives time to Veronica’s Voice, a local
organization that works with victims of human trafficking.  She has also appreciated the opportunities of
continued engagement that have come as a result of participation in 20/20
Leadership and being named a KC Royals Scholar. 
“My advice to students is to be appreciative and to give back.”


The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
8 years 2 months ago

As he graduated from Pittsburg State University in May, Josh
Cooper had two tools in his toolbox: a degree in construction management and a
full-time position as a project manager with E&K of Kansas City.  The position came as a result of his hard
work during two summers of interning with the company.  The transition from intern to full-time
employee was seamless and now, he is more than grateful for the opportunity to
work in the field he’s always been interested in.

The building doesn’t stop for Josh, who after working 10
hour days, goes home to his own construction project: rehabbing a 102-year-old
home he inherited from his family.  “I
started with patching up the closet and it grew from there.”  He hopes to be done by the end of the summer
and says the project has taught him one thing for sure: expect the unexpected.

Those words could not have resonated more for the 20/20
Leadership alum who graduated from University Academy in 2012, initially
without the KC Royals scholarship.  He
received a call from 20/20 during the first semester of his sophomore
year.  The timing of the call was perfect
as financial aid issues caused him to doubt his ability to continue at
Pittsburg State the following semester.  “I
thought I would have to go home every weekend to work just to make enough to
pay for school.” After being named a KC Royals Scholar, Josh had all college
expenses covered.

Josh credits 20/20 Leadership for helping him to develop
professionally, receiving positive feedback about his interview skills.  “The interview prep during the business expo
was helpful because I know how to talk to people,” he said.  He also credits the program for helping him
understand the importance of both networking and relationship building.  His senior project at Pittsburg State involved
the design and installation of a sidewalk on campus.   Before
any construction began, Josh and his team had to meet with key constituents,
including the president of the university. 
“Between my school and 20/20 Leadership, I felt prepared for those
experiences,” he said.

All in all, Josh has taken what he describes as destructive
behavior as a young child and turn it into something much more constructive. 

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

8 years 2 months ago

Between her junior and senior year of high school,
Kelsey Schriver visited the campus of Northwest Missouri State University six
times and never thought of going to college anywhere else.  “For me, it was the feeling of ‘when you
know, you know,” she says.  Kelsey is an
anomaly in a few ways, considering that she only applied to Northwest.  She also did not change her major during her
four years in Maryville, crossing the stage, armed with a degree in interactive
digital media. 

Kelsey has been preparing for life as a young
professional since she began participating in 20/20 Leadership as a high school
junior at Piper High School.  “Practicing
handshakes and introductions were helpful. 
I’m not afraid to embarrass myself and 20/20 helped shape that,” she
says.  “Going through the program helped
me to become more professional and think of myself as less of a high school

Her journey as editor of the yearbook at Northwest
also helped Kelsey along the way by offering a scholarship, as well as allowing
her to cement her place in history as the first person to serve as editor of
the Northwest yearbook for three years.   Her journey towards this role began as she took
an interest in graphic design during high school and served as a photographer
for the yearbook as a college freshman.

Kelsey reflects back to April 2012, when she
realized she in fact had earned a $10,000 scholarship from the Kansas City
Royals.  “My mom and stepdad lost their
jobs during my sophomore year and were not able to help me finance my
education.  The Royals helped me go to
college and without them, I would not have been so successful,” she says.

Kelsey is back home, working an internship at VML
and giving herself one year to move out of her parent’s home.  Combining love for her hometown, with the
opportunities of her chosen career field, so far, seems to be a perfect match
for the new graduate. 

The KC Royals scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from the Kansas City Royals and Royals Charities.  Participants in 20/20 Leadership are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
